Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lesson learned about posting blog entries.

I just wrote a long blog entry about iris (the flowers) and as I was trying to "publish" it, got an error message . . . and it's all gone now. That's a lesson. Next time, I'll highlight and "copy" a blog before posting it so that if this happens, I'll be able to just "paste" the copy in and try again.


Voyagerfan5761 said...

Next time, use the button next to Publish that says Save. Just like writing in Word.

Sarah said...

You can also create all "posts" in Word - or whichever document type you choose - and save it on your machine...

That way, a) you can copy & paste it and b) if Blogger ever decides to shut down you have everything saved already :)

Happy blogging!

Margaret Sch. said...

Yay! I found the missing post in "drafts!"